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#studis: Summer School SustainMV 2024

Sustainability in the fields of Tourism, Renewable Energies, Digital & Technological Innovations, Recycling & Waste Management, Ecosystems and Social Sustainability SustainMV, this one of a kind event, is jointly organised by the Higher Education Institutions of the region, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The overarching theme is Sustainability in the fields of Tourism, Renewable Energies, Digital & Technological Innovations, Recycling & Waste Management, Ecosystems and Social Sustainability, showcasing opportunities for transformation through science and education for a sustainable future. SustainMV on-site will take place 3-13 September 2024. It is preceded by a three-day online introduction to the subject from 27-29 August 2024. Thanks to government funding, the organizers are again able to offer SustainMV 2024 tuition free. Nevertheless, for on-site participants there will be a registration fee of 100€ charged after successful application. Accommodation is included. Attending the online + on-site programme is accredited with 4 ECTS according to the European Credit Transfer…


Higher Education Summit – Copernicus Alliance

Padua Padua, Italien

The 2024 Higher Education Summit is organized by the University of Padua and the COPERNICUS Alliance. The conference will take place from 8-10 September 2024 in Padua, Italy.  It is a unique opportunity to foster dialogue and collaboration among educators and stakeholders in higher education. 2024 Higher Education Summit: Call for Contributions (

K3-Kongress 2024

Datum: 25.- 26. September 2024 Ort: Graz/Österreich  Hinter dem K3-Kongress steht ein Veranstalterbündnis aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Der Kongress wird zudem durch zahlreiche Partnerschaften ermöglicht und von einem Programmbeirat unterstützt.  Der K3-Kongress für Klimakommunikation 2024 steht unter dem Ehrenschutz des Bundespräsidenten der Republik Österreich Alexander Van der Bellen. Das Programm finden Sie hier: Programm |
