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Klimabiennale Wien

Mit der Vision und Kraft der Kunst treibt die Klima Biennale Wien den Paradigmenwechsel für eine lebenswerte Zukunft auf unserem Planeten voran. Teilhabe, Kooperation und Bewusstseinsbildung sind die dafür zentralen Werkzeuge. Die Biennale wird neue Ideen in die ganze Stadt tragen, um gemeinsame Antworten auf die Klimakrise zu finden.  Kunst bietet hier bislang kaum genutzte Potenziale. Die Klima Biennale Wien widmet sich der Herausforderung, die hochkomplexen und akuten Themen des globalen Wandels, der Klimakrise, des Artensterbens und die Auswirkungen auf das Mensch- Natur-Gefüge greif- und erfahrbar zu machen. Denn wir müssen neue Wege finden, Wissen zu teilen und gemeinsam zu diskutieren! Klima Biennale Wien


#studis: International Summer University 2024 – Darmstatt

Two courses will be offered:   The program takes place from 27 June (arrival day) until 20 July (departure day),with a virtual component taking place in May/June. It consists of an academic course (9 ECTS), a German language course (3 ECTS) and several cultural activities (day trips to Heidelberg and the Rhine River Valley, riding a solar draisine, hiking, trivia night, intercultural training, and many more). As an ISU 2024 highlight, a 4-day academic excursion to Berlin will be offered, including discussions with a member of parliament and several other academic site visits. The program fee for students from partner universities is 1200 Euro. That includes accommodation (in Darmstadt & Berlin), all scheduled cultural activities, a 9-ECTS academic seminar, a 3-ECTS German course, company visits, a public transportation ticket for Darmstadt & Berlin, health-, accident and liability insurance and seminar materials. Info sessions to talk about the program are offered on the following…


#studis: Summer School „Green.Building.Solutions. – GBS“

The GBS is a non-profit academic program, managed and implemented under the leadership of the OeAD student housing. It is mainly organized in cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU University), Technical University Vienna (TU Wien), University of Vienna, Danube University in Krems, University of Applied Sciences (FH Technikum Wien), Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Reinberg Architekten ZT. More than 60 international partners support the GBS. Why GBS? The future growth of cities and increase in population pose several challenges to municipalities, city planners and architects. To create ecological and sustainable solutions for urban development and the building sector, education, knowledge and interdisciplinary collaboration are crucial. GBS showcases not only how sustainable buildings are possible, but also how they can achieve the highest quality standards, delivering a healthy living environment for generations to come. This is demonstrated by pioneering architects, planners and engineers sharing their personal experiences and best practice. Green.Building.Solutions. - OeAD student…

