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#studis: Summer School „AEMS – Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems“

15. Juli 2024 2. August 2024

Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) is an intensive, academic program held in English.

The interdisciplinary summer university focuses on alternatives to the economic status quo: International participants deal with limits of growth, as well as the instabilities of our financial system. They learn why a drastic system change is necessary to reach the target of stabilizing the world climate – and most importantly: they are presented with an array of innovative approaches!

The AEMS summer university is open to students and professionals from all fields who strive to create a more just and green future. Are you looking for a unique educational program with a holistic approach to the topic? Then look no further!

More Information can be found here: Hard facts – Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems – OeAD student housing
