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#studis: Lehrveranstaltung an der TU Berlin „Democratizing sustainability and strengthening democracy durably

19. Februar 2024 10. April 2024

joint course offered by TU Berlin and University of Technology Sydney
6 credit course // experienced based learning

What counts more in your private and professional life – result or process? Do you already have the answer and want others to just accept it? Do you prefer to endlessly discuss without getting into action? – Whom do you include in decision making processes and whom do you exclude? When do you feel included/excluded yourself? – What are you allowed to take decisions upon and what is kept beyond your reach?

The course relies entirely on the interaction of the participants as we together explore, practice and reflect what democracy is about and how we may promote it in our private and professional lives. In this course you reflect on how decisions are taken within academia and industry. You learn how to change your studies and jobs from within as well as how to engage in a socio-ecological transformation. You explore ways to democratize your own private and working life together with others, even if this means entering into conflicts and resolving them together or sometimes bravely enduring them.

19 February > 10 April 2024
16 Online Meetings
Mondays and Wednesdays
09.00 – 11.00 Central European Time // 19.00 – 21.00 Sydney Time

Democratizing Sustainability – Upholding Freedom and Equality – TINS_D (

