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ESEIA Lecture Series: Circular Bio-Based Systems

25. Mai 2023 @ 19:00 21:00

European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance – ESEIA cordially invites to attend the fourth in a series of ESEIA international lectures entitled Sustainable Energy Innovation Systems for Climate Neutrality.

The fourth lecture, on Circular Bio-Based Systems: metabolon From Theory to Practice will be delivered at

Aula, TU Graz, 25 May 2023, 19.00 – 21.00 CET.

Guest lecture by Michael Bongards (short CV on the bottom of the page), ESEIA WG 1 Bioresource

Coordinator, TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Response 1: Alexandra Loidl, City of Graz, Director Waste Management

Response 2: Christian Schreyer, CEO of Styrian Waste Management Association

Chair: Marlene Kienberger, Research group Biorefinery leader, CEET, TU Graz

Use-reuse-upcycle-recycle? If you are interested in circular economy and if you would like to find out how to make carbon black from bicycle tires, then you should not miss this lecture. Our guest lecturer will not only explain the challenges of a circular economy in theory, he will also shed light on practical implications for making local material cycles for bioresources profitable. Our guest lecturer will give an overview of novel green technologies and the challenges linked to their integration in society. Using the case of :metabolon, he will give an overview of main areas of research and innovation including organic and inorganic waste materials, treatment facilities on technical scale, and interdisciplinary approach, biotechnology, mechanical and chemical engineering, and automation using AI. Two respondents will give their professional insights highlighting solutions from the point of view of the City of Graz and the Region of Styria, Austria.

Register for onsite or online participation with the ESEIA Team before 22 May. Contact: ESEIA Team:

