RME Research Conference 2016, Krems: 9. und 10. November 2016

RME Research Conference 2016, Krems: 9. und 10. November 2016

Am 9. und 10. November 2016 findet an der FH Krems die 3. RME Responsible Management Education Research Conference statt. Die Allianz Nachhaltige Universitäten ist Partner.

Weitere Informationen, Programm und Link zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier.

Linking the Sustainable Development Goals and Management Education at Universities

Our planet faces massive economic, social, environmental and governance challenges. To address these, the “Agenda 2030” defines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 related targets that represent an unprecedented opportunity to lead the world on a sustainable path. The challenges addressed in the SDGs also require integrated thinking, action and coordination at university level. Thus, the key objective of this conference is to create awareness for SDGs in management education and to discuss initiatives, methods and pioneering activities for including SDG-related issues in strategies, curricula and lectures.
