WU | „Participation as depoliticization? The rise and fall of a political ideal“ am 14. Februar 2018

WU | „Participation as depoliticization? The rise and fall of a political ideal“ am 14. Februar 2018

„Participation as depoliticization? The rise and fall of a political ideal“ Evening Lecture mit Luigi Pellizzoni am 14. Februar 2018, um 18:00 Uhr, Wirtschaftuniversität Wien, Clubraum, Gebäude LC, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien

Im Februar findet eine öffentliche Veranstaltung statt, die vom WU-Institut für Gesellschaftswandel und Nachhaltigkeit (IGN) und dem WU-Kompetenzzentrum für Nachhaltigkeit organisiert wird. Am 14. Februar geht es um ‚Participation as depoliticization? The rise and fall of a political ideal‘. Referent ist Luigi Pellizzoni. Das Event beginnt um 18:00 Uhr und findet in englischer Sprache an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien statt. Details finden Sie hier. Wir bitten um Anmeldung per E-Mail an

‚Participation as depoliticization? The rise and fall of a political ideal‘ Evening Lecture with Luigi Pellizzoni, February 14th 2018, 6 pm Clubraum, building LC, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien

In February, a public event will be organized by the WU Institute for Social Change and Sustainability (IGN) and the WU Competence Center for Sustainability. February 14th is about ‚Participation as depoliticization? The rise and fall of a political ideal‘ with Luigi Pellizzoni. The event starts at 6 pm and takes place in English at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Details can be found here. We kindly ask you to register by sending an e-mail to
